By way of introduction, I’m Amelia and this is my blog documenting our travels and adventures. Some may call us crazy, some may call us dreamers but truthfully, we are the ones who’ve never quite fit in. We are the ones that have always fell through the cracks of society. We are the ones that are terrified of living a normal life. We are the lost.
So what brought us here, to this point?
Its no secret, there is a great big world out there, but not everyone yearns to see all of its beauty.  While for most, having that perfect house with the perfect children is what they live and work for, but not us.  As i am sitting here, Radiohead’s “Creep” well, creeps into my mind. The haunting lyrics “what the hell am I doing here? I don’t belong here…” is on repeat because I know that this isn’t what is meant for us. We are meant to explore. We are meant to LIVE! We decided to take a break from our full time jobs working over 40 hours a week living to make a living, for a nomadic life of enlightenment and adventure. I know that we are not the first, nor will we be the last to drop everything and travel the world, we do not aim to inspire, this is simply our story.